
Legal Disclaimer

Legal Disclaimer is a website is a website that provides information and advice on all aspects of the online gambling industry, to consumers.

In order to participate in the community forum provided on the website, you must be 21 years of age or older. promotes various gambling websites and (special) offers. Consumers must take responsibility for ensuring that any websites or offerings they participate in are legally permitted in their country of residence. They have to keep an eye on this themselves.

While makes every effort to ensure that all recommended websites and offers are of the highest quality and comply with all legal obligations, it is the consumer’s responsibility to check this before taking part in any offer or playing on any website. assures that all personal information provided by consumers is kept confidential. Data will not share or sold to other providers for commercial purposes.

Consumers  must participate in a respectful, polite and decent manner in their interactions with both other consumers and  administrators of the forum. Behaviour that is disrespectful, impolite or indecent will render the consumer banned from the forum for a time determined.

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